big adj. 1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的。 2.〔口语〕重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的。 3.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的。 4.怀着(孕),有(身子);〔比喻〕充满着…的,洋溢着…的 (with)。 5.宽大的,宽宏大量的。 6.〔口语〕(风等)剧烈的。 a big house 大房子。 a big enterprise 大企业。 a big pay 高薪。 art with a big A 具有特种暗含意义的艺术;抽象的艺术。 the big man of the town 城中名人。 big words 豪言壮语,大话。 He looks big. 他神气活现。 That's very big of you. 你真宽宏大量。 big with (young, child) 怀孕,有喜。 a question big with the fate of the Empire 有关帝国生死存亡的问题。 eyes big with tears 满眼泪水。 a big storm [earthquake] 剧烈的风暴[地震]。 a big piece of news 重要新闻。 as big as life 和原物一样大。 be big on 〔口语〕热衷;偏爱。 be [get, grow] too big for one's boots [breeches, trousers] 妄自尊大,目中无人。 go over big 〔美口〕(演出等)大大成功;(演员等)大受欢迎。 make big 〔美俚〕飞黄腾达。 adv. 1.〔口语〕非常大量。 2.〔口语〕自大,夸大。 3.宽宏大量地。 4.成功地。 talk big吹牛。 eat big 食量大。 a big busy day 忙得不可开交的一天。 pay big 付给高薪[高报酬]。 n. 大亨,巨子;大公司。 n. -ness 大,巨大,庞大,重大;夸大 (bigness scale 粗测)。
Fujian province is a big agriculture province which have good geographical , physical , social , economic resources 福建省是我国农业大省,有着良好的地理、自然、社会、经济资源。
Seize the chance , break through the barrier , develop the big agriculture of the north - east region through cooperation with division of labor 把握机遇破除藩篱在分工合作中振兴东北大农业
As in the middle part of big agriculture province hunan ' s regional economic development is uneven and getting more outstanding problems 作为中部农业大省的湖南,其区域经济发展不平衡问题更为突出。
Chongqing is a municipality with the basic situation of big city , big village and big agriculture . it is determined by the situation of big city and big village that the development of agriculture and rural economics here are more essential 重庆市是一个具有大城市、大农村、大农业基本格局的直辖市,大城市、大农村并存的基本市情决定了农业和农村经济的发展有着比其它城市更为特殊的战略地位。
Along with the development of the market economy , china ' s entry wto , as a big agriculture province with densely populated and limited financial power , henan province faces to the agriculture construction adjusts , being faced by conversion from traditional agriculture into modern agriculture , need to be supported strongly by finance in the process 随着市场经济的发展,中国加入wto ,作为一个人口众多、财力有限的农业大省,河南省正面临着农业结构调整,由传统农业向现代农业转换的过渡时期,在此过程中肯定需要财政的大力支持。
As the big agriculture province and the country ' s main commodity grain base , jilin province has many problems in agriculture and rural economy as following : there are severe contradictions in rural industrial structure and fanner income structure ; the supply of grains and rural labor exceeds the demand ; the development of farm product processing industry and the county economy are relatively slow ; the level of urbanization and financial income are low 吉林省作为农业大省,国家重要的商品粮基地,农业和农村经济面临着以下几大问题:粮食主产区产业结构和农民收入结构“两个不优”并存;粮食供给与农村劳动力供给“两个过剩”并存;农产品加工业发展滞后,全省粮食主产区县域经济缺乏活力,财政困难,城市化水平低。