
big agriculture中文是什么意思

  • 大农业



  • 例句与用法
  • Fujian province is a big agriculture province which have good geographical , physical , social , economic resources
  • Seize the chance , break through the barrier , develop the big agriculture of the north - east region through cooperation with division of labor
  • As in the middle part of big agriculture province hunan ' s regional economic development is uneven and getting more outstanding problems
  • Chongqing is a municipality with the basic situation of big city , big village and big agriculture . it is determined by the situation of big city and big village that the development of agriculture and rural economics here are more essential
  • Along with the development of the market economy , china ' s entry wto , as a big agriculture province with densely populated and limited financial power , henan province faces to the agriculture construction adjusts , being faced by conversion from traditional agriculture into modern agriculture , need to be supported strongly by finance in the process
    随着市场经济的发展,中国加入wto ,作为一个人口众多、财力有限的农业大省,河南省正面临着农业结构调整,由传统农业向现代农业转换的过渡时期,在此过程中肯定需要财政的大力支持。
  • As the big agriculture province and the country ' s main commodity grain base , jilin province has many problems in agriculture and rural economy as following : there are severe contradictions in rural industrial structure and fanner income structure ; the supply of grains and rural labor exceeds the demand ; the development of farm product processing industry and the county economy are relatively slow ; the level of urbanization and financial income are low
  • 推荐英语阅读
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